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Would you like to be part of Walsingham every day?

Join the Walsingham Association

The Walsingham Association exists primarily to spread devotion to

Pope Francis appoints new permanent observer to the UN in Geneva

Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Ettore Balestrero as the Holy See’s permanent observer

400-year-old church emerges from the waters in Mexico

Due to an intense heat wave and drought that has spread in

Nigerian priest freed after torture; hospitalized with deep wounds on his head

Father Marcellus Nwaohuocha of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, who was

Fr. Louis Mascarenhas New Bishop of Allahabad

Bangalore: His Holiness Pope Francis has appointed Rev. Louis Mascarenhas (64) as

Pope Francis sends message from hospital to European political party

While recovering in the hospital, Pope Francis sent a message to the

Kerala Catholic Bishops’ body denounces persecution of Christians in India, talks on various issues

The three-day annual conference of the Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Council (KCBC) discussed

Pope Francis is recovering in same hospital room where John Paul II was treated

Pope Francis is recovering from abdominal surgery this week in the same

Petition in Mexico demands religious freedom, protection of priests and churches

The Mexican platform Actívate (Get Active) delivered 10,400 signatures to the National

Priest in Mexico saves 3 children after gang violence

A priest rescued three abandoned children in a Mexican town following a

Pope Francis out of surgery, recovering in hospital

Pope Francis is out of surgery and that the abdominal operation he

"Which is the first of all the commandments?"

What is the first commandment in your life? For some, the need

Pope Francis to have abdominal surgery under general anesthesia

Pope Francis will undergo abdominal surgery under general anesthesia on Wednesday afternoon,

The Catholic Church is enriched when all voices are heard : Pope Francis

The life and ministry of the Catholic Church is enriched by listening